The world of trains according to David Graham
Top photos from January 20th, 2005
January 20th, 2005
CN seemed like a good place to go, so I spent a few hours at the Ingersoll Via station. On my way home, I saw an approach signal under the 401 and went up to the first crossing South of the highway to catch Ham turn and its whopping 22 axles.
Ingersoll, Ontario
(map) The CN Dundas, the CP St. Thomas, and the OSR Port Burwell subs are very active through Ingersoll, with the CP Galt sub just to the North in Zorra.

CN #397 heads westbound through Ingersoll station.

CN #385 heads by on the North track at mile 59 after going into emergency at mile 49 a few minutes earlier.

NS #327 with a blue Conrail unit leading heads through Ingersoll station.

CN #396 passes heading toward Toronto.

CN #271 slowly tries to pick up speed after doing a lift at nearby Beachville.

VIA #73 heads through Westbound. CN #271 had to wait about 15 minutes for it at Lihou to get out of the way for CN #148.

CN #148 passes just minutes after VIA #73 on the same track.

CN #398 passes, lacking any foreign power. This is a train that has yielded as many as 3 UP engines in one go.
Zorra, Ontario
(map) Just outside of Ingersoll is Zorra Station. It contains a large Lafarge plant and the CP Galt sub.

CP #159 crosses West switch Zorra with several sets of brand new spine cars.
Ingersoll, Ontario
(map) The CN Dundas, the CP St. Thomas, and the OSR Port Burwell subs are very active through Ingersoll, with the CP Galt sub just to the North in Zorra.

CN #393 heads through the station on the North track, welcoming me back to CN after a brief foray to CP.
Drumbo, Ontario
(map) North-West of Brantford, Drumbo is the site of the long-abandonned Drumbo sub, but the CP Galt sub passes near town and it has a couple of good spots to shoot from.

Ham Turn crosses a road between highway 401 and Drumbo heading West.